With summer and the warmer weather here, it is important that your dog does not get overheated. Brachycephalic (smooshed face) breeds and breeds with thick hair coats can be at an especially high risk of overheating in our hot months. This may make you wonder “What can I give my pup to cool down? There are many fun treats that you can make for your dog to keep them cool and happy! Before heading to your kitchen, there are a few ingredients you should always avoid when making treats for your pet. NEVER put xylitol (artificial sweetener that can sometimes be found in peanut butter), raisins, grapes, or chocolate in your dog’s treats! Here are a few easy at home frozen treats you can make for your dog to help cool down this summer:
1 cup berries (strawberries, blueberries or raspberries)
¼ cup water
A few tablespoons of peanut butter that doesn’t contain xylitol! (check the label)
Wash & clean fruit (cut tops of strawberries)
Puree fruit in blender with water
Place fruit puree in an ice cube tray or silicone mold, filling ¾ of the way Add a small amount of peanut butter to each mold
Freeze until completely frozen
2 cups frozen, diced cantaloupe
2 tbsp. plain yogurt
Clean, dice and freeze cantaloupe
Place cantaloupe into a food processor with yogurt and blend until smooth. Serve frozen. Optional: top with some of your dog’s kibble!
A Kong toy can provide hours of entertainment for your dog and it can be filled with many different types of ingredients. Pre-made cheese-like aerosol products or peanut butter can be used to fill the Kong and then freeze, or you can make your own delicious mixture!
Following are a few examples:
Cheese Kong:
1 cup of boiled potato, ½ cup plain cottage cheese, ½ cup low-fat cheese.
Fruit Kong:
1 banana, 1 cup yogurt, 1 tsp.
Honey Chicken and carrot Kong: 1 cup cooked sweet potato, handful of shredded, boiled chicken, handful of cooked carrots, 1 tbsp. Yogurt
Remember, give treats in moderation to avoid excessive calories. Pet owners should also know that eating a large amount of food too fast can lead to bloating and abdominal pain. Also, some dogs can be sensitive to eating new things like yogurt and this can lead to upset stomach. Any concerns about your pet’s health should be addressed with your veterinarian.
I hope your pet enjoys these tasty treats and stays COOL this summer!
Gail Moscato
Positive Paws BHC