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Spay and Neuter Your Pets!

Writer's picture: Positive PawsPositive Paws

Good for You, Your Pet, and the Community

Prevent A Litter – It’s Good For You

  • Spayed and neutered pets are better, more affectionate, companions.

  • Neutered cats are less likely to spray and mark territory.

  • Spaying a female dog or cat eliminates its heat cycle, which can last twenty-one days, twice a year, in dogs, and anywhere from three to fifteen days, three or more times a year, in cats. Females in heat often cry incessantly, show nervous behavior, and attract unwanted male animals.

  • Spayed and neutered pets are less likely to bite. 

  • Unaltered animals often exhibit more behavior and temperament problems than those that have been spayed and neutered.

Prevent A Litter – It’s Good for Your Pet

  • Spayed and neutered dogs and cats live longer, healthier lives.

  • Spaying female dogs and cats eliminates the possibility of uterine or ovarian cancer and greatly reduces the incidence of breast cancer.

  • Neutering male dogs and cats reduces the incidence of prostate cancer.

  • Neutered animals are less likely to roam and fight.

Prevent A Litter – It’s Good for the Community

  • Communities spend millions of dollars to control and eliminate unwanted animals. Irresponsible breeding contributes to the problem of dog bites and attacks. 

  • Animal shelters and rescues are overburdened with surplus animals.

Six Common Excuses for Not Spaying or Neutering Pets

My pet will get fat and lazy.

Neutering or spaying may diminish your pet’s overall activity level, natural tendency to wander, and hormonal balances, which may influence appetite. Pets that become fat and lazy after being altered usually are overfed and do not get enough exercise.

We want another pet just like Rover and Fluffy.

Breeding two purebred animals rarely results in offspring that are exactly like one of the parents. With mixed breeds, it is virtually impossible to have offspring that are exactly like one of the parents.

My pet’s personality will change. 

Any change will be for the better. After being altered, your pet may be less aggressive toward other dogs or cats, have a better personality, and will be less likely to wander. Spraying (urine     marking), done to mark territory, often diminishes or ceases.

We can sell puppies or kittens to make money.

Even well-known breeders are fortunate if they break even on raising litters. The cost of raising such a litter – which includes stud fees, vaccinations and other health care costs, and feeding a quality food – consumes most of the “profit.” Wee-known breeders raise breeds that they like. These breeders also try to improve the standard of the breeds they raise. What I have found in our community are many irresponsible people having a female dog or cat have multiple litters without any care for her health or that of the offspring. They are adopted out without vaccinations or any well check to unsuspecting owners that adopt breeds they don’t understand, nor do they have the lifestyle that fits the breed. These pets then end up homeless.

My Children should witness our pet giving birth.

Pets often have their litters in the middle of the night or in a place of their own choosing. Because pets need privacy when giving birth, any unnecessary intrusion can cause the mother to become seriously upset. These intrusions can result in an unwillingness to care for the offspring or in injury to the owners or to the pet.

I am concerned about my pet undergoing anesthesia.

Placing a pet under anesthesia is a very common concern of owners. Although there is always a slight risk involved, the anesthetics currently used by veterinarians are very safe. Many veterinarians use equipment that monitors heart and respiratory rates during surgery to ensure that their patients are doing well under anesthesia. Thus, the medical benefits of having your pet spayed or neutered far outweigh the slight risk involved with undergoing anesthesia. Consult your veterinarian if you are concerned about this aspect of the procedure. 

In conclusion, the benefits of spay or neutering your pet far outweigh the risks. In our community there are resources to help you in getting the procedure done. There are lower cost veterinarians and vouchers that will help you financially. If you would like more information just call Positive Paws BHC at 928 275-2172 and leave a message.

If you need financial assistance to spay or neuter a pet, please contact Humane Society of Mohave County.

Gail Moscat

Founder Positive Paws BHC





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